
Places I've been...


June 13-14, 2009

Bob Diaz | SpearBlog 2009 | June 15, 2009 | Print

Seas: 1-2 feet
Winds: 5-10 S
Temp: 82 F (drastic thermal clines)
Viz: 25-30 feet
Saturday had us up well before dawn as we decided to go out for dolphin first thing with the promise of extremely calm seas and next to no wind for a good part of the day. We were loaded up and on our way out of the marina just as the sun was rising. With 1-2 foot seas as far as the eye could see, we made excellent time heading out into the blue water. We decided to go out in our own boat because the seas were so calm and we were hoping to run into some schools so we could jump in and shoot a few dolphin instead of just doing the rod-n-reel thing.  On our way out we saw one of the coolest things I've seen in a while. I have seen it on TV, but this is only the second time I have seen it in person. As we headed out past Sombrero Lighthouse we peer out off the starboard side (that's the right for you landlubbers) and we see a sailfish tailing at the surface. We were curious, so we veered over to get closer and when we do, we see not one, but two sailfish side by side sitting at the surface. These looked like two good sized sailfish, probably in the 50-60  lb range and it was very cool to get to see this. But I have digressed so I will get back on topic... We ended up hitting our first school (so to speak) at about 18 miles off. We hooked the bull and cow, but couldn't see any other fish to bring in along with them. So I guess you could say we landed the whole school :).

We chased some more birds around for another couple of hours to no avail until we decided to head back in. On the way out earlier that morning, I decided to put together my homemade flasher just in case we had an opportunity to jump in with a school and see if it would actually keep them around us while we would try to shoot a few. On the way back in we decided to stop and throw in the flasher just to see what it looked like. I must say, I was very happy with what I saw. If color and light reflection and refraction are what's supposed to bring in the fish, this homemade device should fit the bill. For now, it's just an assumption on my part, but it sure did look the part.

We were actually on our first spearfishing spot by 10a that morning, so we didn't spend too much time in our efforts for dolphin. The good news this weekend is that we finally found some decent snappers. At about our 3rd spot, we ran into a school of some very nice sized mangrove snappers. By about 1p, we had our limit in the cooler and were finally happy to get into the mangoes that we have been looking for over the past few weeks.

We decided to head out again on Sunday morning to see if we could get back into a couple of schools of mangroves like Saturday. By our second stop, we had a few in the cooler, but I wasn't feeling too well, so I offered to drive the boat for a while as I took a break. Something I ate on Saturday apparently didn't agree with me and I spent a good portion of the night suffering from nausea and the exertion of this morning's dives had me feeling the after effects once again. Before I got back in the water, my brother in law shot a beautiful 28 inch Red Grouper. At our second to last spot, where I was feeling like I could dive again, we ended up with a few very nice Cero Mackerel as well. It wasn't the most productive day we have had, but it did get fun with the Mackerel at the end.

We also had one last bit of excitement this weekend while we were finishing up all the dirty work of cleaning fish and picking up the site before leaving. We usually leave a rod in the water while we are cleaning fish since there are always tarpon rolling in the marina. This time we had a little luck and hooked and landed about a 25-30 pounder. I don't usually put up hook and line pictures in the pics section but these things don't happen all the time, so I thought I would. Check out the pic under this week's date here.

