

December 03, 1999

I ( webmaster/owner) am no professional spearfisherman by any definition. I don't hold any world records, and I don't compete in any national or even local competitions. I really don't think I'm at that level (yet). I do, however, enjoy spearfishing immensely. I created this site and continue to maintain it in the hopes that someone who is thinking about picking up the sport, can see that you don't have to be some super-jock-ironman-triathlete to do this. A normal joe like myself can do it, and do it well, if you have just a couple of things (besides a speargun:).

1. The desire to do it well. I often meet people who say they want to start spearfishing. But a lot of these people don't want to learn to spearfish, they just want to jump in the water and shoot something because it looks cool in pictures or movies. A lot of people have the desire to do things, but having the desire to do it well, means you will take the time to learn the right way to do something. Not just how to point and shoot. Any moron can pull a trigger, and unfortunately many times do.

2. Someone trusted and experienced to teach you. I know we don't all have in-laws that are experienced spearfishermen, but it could be a friend or even a hired dive instructor that might spearfish and comes recommended. Either way, I strongly suggest being taught. This is an extremely dangerous sport, and not knowing how to do it correctly can do more than just get you hurt. It can kill you. That last statement is not an exaggeration. I am not in any way encouraging anyone to do this dangerous sport without the proper knowledge. And the fact that you read my stories and the text among the pages within my site (, does not mean that I am condoning doing otherwise.

The sports of breath hold spearfishing and freediving are extremely dangerous and should never be attempted without a trained dive/spearfishing partner.  All information on this site is for entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as direction to perform dangerous acts of any kind. Regardless of the information contained within this site ( or any other urls permanently redirected to, I will not be held responsible for anyone hurting or killing themselves or others because they have visited my site and attempted to duplicate actions described, implied or inferred from or on this site. The fact that you have browsed this page and/or browse any of the pages within my site, implies that you agree to this. Otherwise, you should leave this site now.